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Showing posts from September, 2017

Cómo pedir cita previa en la DGT y desesperarse en el intento

El uso de la tecnología para la agilización de la administración española es simplemente bochornoso (y me quedo corto). Además todo el mundo lo sabe, sin ir más lejos, la última gran chapuza  informática en el Ministerio de Justicia va a costar al menos  60 millones  extra.  Pero como el dinero sale del bolsillo de los ciudadanos, pues aquí no pasa absolutamente nada y nadie asumirá ninguna responsabilidad. Esta es la triste realidad de la España actual. Pero es que hasta un trámite tan sencillo como pedir cita previa en una de las Jefaturas Provinciales de Tráfico desespera hasta al más templado. Y como quiero ser muy específico y una imagen vale más que mil palabras, a continuación voy a documentar todo el proceso que es de todo menos intuitivo. Todo empieza abriendo este enlace Y como podéis ver en la imagen previa, con la primera pantalla (vamos a obviar que la interfaz parece que ya haya cumplido la mayoría de edad, tiene pinta de ser de finales de l...

Everybody makes mistakes, even Google doc writers

Yesterday I was exploring the new Android SMS Retriever API, since it seemed to promise to make the user's phone verification a much more straight-forward and also permission-less process.  Soon I got disappointed since it requires to use a paid third-party service such as Twilio ... But at leas t I got to see something unusual, not every day one comes across a code syntax error in an official Google  documentation . Ca n you spot it? (at the e nd of the secon d code snippet ). According to the foo t note, the last update of that page was on Jul y 7th, so two mon ths and a week ago. So have I been the first one to notice this? Or maybe just the first one to raise the voice about it? I have also been nice enough to report it to Google. I came across the a bove tweet which an nounces this API to the world, it includes a link to the docs and as yo u can see, 118 people re-tweeted it and 190 l ike d it... D id any of th i s people bother to open the l...

Complete (working) code to verify an Android app user phone number through SMS

Update from Thurs day September 1 4 th 2017:  The very same day I posted this ( the day before yest erday), I realized that it looked like Google ha d just made it effectively obsolete       I thought that a t least I c ould claim that I chose a very demanded functionality to blog about, since Google decided to add a new API to provide this very same service. Even the names are quite similar, I called it "SMS Verifier" and they call it "SMS Retriever". But after looking into th i s new Google Services API, I found out that it re quires to use a paid third-party service such as Twilio ... very disappointing! So my original post (which follows below) is still relevant after all, since it allows you to verify the user's p hone number for free .   Original post: Tuesday September 12th 2017 It was about time for me to give back to the open source community, so I have just pushed the complete (working) code to verify the user's phone number ...