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Showing posts from March, 2020

Kafka + Cadence + WebSockets + Angular: managing event-driven microservices state with Uber Cadence

In the the previous post of the Event-driven microservices with Kafka series (see here ), I showed how to extend the asynchronous event-driven communication all the way from Kafka to the Web frontend passing through the Java backend. In that proof of concept application which processes money transfers, one Kafka topic is used to receive incoming transfer messages and a second topic is used to store the account balances state and broadcast changes (i.e., to push notifications from the backend to the frontend). The first topic (called " transfers ") and the second topic (called " account-balances ") are connected through Kafka Streams. Uber Cadence In this post we are bringing Uber Cadence  into the mix to manage the state of the application (i.e., to keep the balance of the accounts updated), thus, Cadence replaces Kafka Streams. Cadence is an orchestration/workflow engine which unlike most of the other workflow engines out there (e.g., Zeebe, Camunda and m...